Making $100 Per Day - What You NEED To Do To Make It Happen

Is making $100 per day your goal with internet marketing?

I know that many IMers, especially the ones with years of experience, scoff at such discussions. They'd rather focus on what specific actions should be taken that will result in measurable improvements (ie. more visitors, more sales, etc).

And that's fine. But I believe that at times you still need to talk about the "why"s of making internet money and not just the "how"s. This is especially true for newbies or people that have been at it for YEARS with little to show for it.

Motivation ==> Action ===> Results

Just wanted to throw that out there. There are plenty of threads on how to increase conversion rates, tips on writing articles, questions on better SEO practices, etc.

This thread is going to be about the mindset of making $100 per day.

If you're making $100 per day and would like to share how you did it, that would be great. The newbies and struggling would appreciate any bit of IM gold that they can get their hands on. And I'm sure that they'll slap your "Thanks" button to show their appreciation.

Why it's important to have a specific goal

Whether your personal goal is $100/day or $500/day or $25/day, they're all equally beneficial. If you are not making a consistent amount of income per day, then I highly recommend that you pick a specific number, any number, and focus on that. Write it out. Stick it on your computer monitor. Stick it on your refrigerator. Stick it on your bathroom mirror. Stick it on your walls. Stick in on the steering wheel of your car. Stick it anywhere you will see it multiple times throughout the day. Get that specific goal, whatever it is, carved into your brain.


The subconscious mind is one of the most powerful tools that you have. It's much more powerful than you can imagine. But like a computer, it needs specific commands. The more specific, the more "energy" it has to make that command a reality.

Most people feel or think the thought: "I want to make money online" or "I want to make more money online." But these thoughts are not specific enough to get the subconscious mind into gear. It needs a more defined command.

Instead, give it the command:

"I make $100 per day online."

You flood your mind with this command. Every day. All day. If you have to, take out a piece of paper each morning, I make yourself write this command on each line. Both sides. Day after day.

It does take discipline. It does get boring at times. It is tedious. That's why most people can't do it for more than a few days.

But what if you could? What would happen?

Eventually this command would be so ingrained in your subconscious mind. And here's where the "magic" happens.

Your subconscious mind will see the inconsistency in your reality. It will have your command burned into it ("I make $100 per day online") but also see that your reality doesn't match the command. So what does it do?

Your subconscious mind starts to provide you with the motivation and ideas necessary to make your reality match your command.

You see, the subconscious mind, although incredibly powerful, is not necessarily intelligent. It doesn't use logic.So when it sees the difference between your command and your reality, it doesn't think, "I hear the command but I understand why the reality is the way it is."

Instead, it sees the difference, and then gets to work trying to make your reality match up with your command.

Very few people ever figure out how to access the power stored in their subconscious. But if you could, you'd be amazed by the wealth of drive and ideas that you would get.

If you want to make $100/day, then your goal then is to convince your subconscious mind that your reality is that you are making $100 a day online.

It doesn't happen instantly. It doesn't even happen quickly. And that's why most people NEVER get to tap into the immense power stored inside of them. You have to put the effort in, day after day, even when you are not seeing or feeling anything differently.

That's the unique quality of successful peopleThey still continue to take the correct actions even when they aren't seeing the results of their efforts. Most people stop prematurely. Most people never work hard and long enough to see the other side of the rainbow. You've just got to have faith. You have to keep pushing on, knowing that as long as you keep taking the rights steps, you will get to the top of the mountain (even if you can't see the top yet).

Don't get me wrong. Learning as much of the "how"s is definitely critical to your success. But if you truly want to speed up the process. If you truly want to get the amazing power of your subconscious mind behind you, pushing you ahead, you've got to convince your subconscious to "believe" the command that you are wanting to be your reality.

The Warrior Forum is packed with the "how"s. Not just in terms of the information shared, but also the experience and knowledge of its members. But I highly recommend you start "training" your subconscious mind. Whatever method works best for you. Do it. Burn that command into your subconscious. Tap into its power.

I make $100 a day online!!!

It's the best advice that I can you. Whether you are a newbie just starting out, or an "old-timer" who has struggled for years.

Do the mental work, and the physical rewards will come.

And when you do tap into the subconscious and finally taste success, please come find me and share your story. I'd love to hear about it. There's no greater joy than hearing about someone who was down, took actions, and raised themselves up out of the ashes of failure, into the mountains of success.

Thank you for listening to my words. I truly hope that you get a little inspiration from them.

Now go out and start making good choices. Make today AWESOME!

Best wishes,
