For Newbies Without Direction: Why Not Try A "STARTER BLOG"? Success with Blogger Blogs

I have seen a flood of the "I'm a newbie, where do I start?" threads recently. So to help out some of those without any definitive plans, I present the concept of "starter blogs."

My Definition of a Starter Blog: A Blogger blog that is created for the sole purpose of teaching a newbie about the basics of blogging, with the ultimate goal of monetizing the blog, but only after it is consistently getting 100+ unique visitors to it each day.

Again, these are just MY opinions and ideas. Things that have worked for me in the past. Obviously there are no guarantees and the true determining factor to a person's success is his/her efforts. But for those that are still looking for a model to follow, I offer the Starter Blog concept.

I believe that many online ventures that are based on blogging fail because there is too much emphasis placed on income generation too early in the process. When the newbie doesn't get the immediate earnings that he mistakenly thinks he is going to get, he becomes discouraged and quits.

But with the Starter Blog concept, you can't monetize the blog until it is consistently getting 100 visits a day.

This amount will give you a good source to tap into. Not just in terms of potential income, but also in terms in terms of testing and tweaking. If you are only getting 3-5 visits a day, it's going to take you weeks to analyze adjustments you have made and how it is affecting your sales. But at 100 visits a day, you can test and tweak quickly.

With Starter Blogs, you have to EARN your ability to earn. If you can't make it to 100 a day, you have to continue to focus your efforts on content creation, marketing, etc, to increase your daily traffic. This is a good habit to get into (ie. focusing on traffic generation stats as opposed to sales stats).

JoeMack's "Starter Blog" Method for Newbies:

1. Pick the topic for your blog.

When deciding on a topic, I would recommend choosing something that you are incredibly passionate for. It has to be in the top 3 of most passionate things in your life.

With the variety of monetization methods available (affiliate promotion, Adsense, Amazon, CPA offers, etc) just about every topic can be turned into an income-producing blog. But we aren't concerned about exact monetization methods right now. You just want to pick a topic that you are probably obsessed with.

2. Get some keywords.

Your keywords are going to be used in many different ways. Sure, they are definitely necessary in order for you to maximize your SEO efforts, but they also have other beneficial uses.

If you don't have a keyword tool, you can use Google's free Externtal Keyword Tool. You can find it here:

Throw in your root keyword and get yourself a list of relevant and most searched keywords for your topic.

3. Get yourself a Blogger blog.

I have used all of the usual suspects when it comes to a free blogging option (ie. Squidoo, Hubpages, free Wordpress, etc). From my own experience and personal preferences, I recommend using a Blogger blog ( It is very easy to use, and it is my opinion that since Google owns Blogger, how could they NOT give them just slightly more ranking juice. Regardless, I have used free Blogger blogs in the past to generate income, so I know for a fact that it can be done.

4. Choose one of the Blogger templates and set up your blog to best suit your topic.

This step is highly dependent on your topic and your individual style and personality. Although your own preferences are important, be sure to also place yourself in the shoes of your blog readers. Appropriate blog appearance can be just as important as content.

There are so many things that you can add to your Blogger blogs to make them attractive, easy to use, interactive, and more. Be sure to check out the main possible additions you can include.

5. Every day, add one new post to your blog.

Take out your keyword list. Starting from the most searched keyword phrases, add a post related to one keyword each day.

And this isn't to say that you need to write and publish a unique 1000 word post each day. This can result in burnout very quickly, even about topics that you are passionate for.

Each day you could post:

- informative content written by you
- a relevant Youtube video
- an article you recently read
- a controversial thread on a forum
- a great tip for a popular blog

Remember, we aren't worried about sales or income right now. We just want to get used to working with a blog. Posting frequently will get the search engine bots visiting your blog more often and will help your search engine rankings.

6. Social bookmark each new post.

For this step, I suggest using a site click SocialMarker (Social bookmarking service. Fast tagging and posting to all major social websites - Yes, it takes a little more time to set up the first time, but then after that, it assists you in social bookmarking your new posts over a number of social bookmarking sites like Reddit, Digg, Fark, SlashDot, and plenty more.

7. Use marketing techniques to increase daily traffic.

There are plenty of possible marketing techniques to use that will result in higher daily traffic. This traffic will come directly, or it will come as the result of getting a better search engine ranking for the blog and getting more organic traffic.

Possible marketing techniques:

- article marketing and syndication
- forum signature marketing
- proper blog commenting
- being a guest blogger
- press releases

8. Once you get to 100 visits a day, MONETIZE!!

If you posted on your blog daily, social bookmarked those posts, and used a variety of additional marketing techniques, you WILL be seeing a stable and growing amount of daily traffic.

Give yourself a big pat-on-the-back for getting to 100 daily visitors. Most IMers never get to this point. You have definitely earned the right to start making some income from the time and effort you have given to make it successful.

The exact type of monetization method will depend on your specific topic. And keep in mind that it doesn't just have to be a single way to make money. You may find that you can include a block of Adsense ads plus a couple of Clickbank affiliate products. All this being said, I wouldn't recommend putting more than 2 different types of monetization possibilities. Giving the reader too many options to choose from will generally HURT sales, rather than helping them.

9. Maximize your efforts with Facebook and Twitter.

The "Starter Blog" concept is solid and sound. But if you were able to incorporate Facebook and Twitter with it, you could be multiplying your efforts (and thus multiplying potential income generation). Creating and maintaining Facebook fan pages and Twitter followers can drastically accelerate the time it takes the Starter Blog to get to the 100 visitors a day level.

Ok, well, there's the "Starter Blog" Method for Newbies. If even one person benefits from this thread, then it will definitely be worth the time and effort to create it.

If you ever feel stuck, take some action. That tends to unstick me.

Much Success,


Making $100 Per Day - What You NEED To Do To Make It Happen

Is making $100 per day your goal with internet marketing?

I know that many IMers, especially the ones with years of experience, scoff at such discussions. They'd rather focus on what specific actions should be taken that will result in measurable improvements (ie. more visitors, more sales, etc).

And that's fine. But I believe that at times you still need to talk about the "why"s of making internet money and not just the "how"s. This is especially true for newbies or people that have been at it for YEARS with little to show for it.

Motivation ==> Action ===> Results

Just wanted to throw that out there. There are plenty of threads on how to increase conversion rates, tips on writing articles, questions on better SEO practices, etc.

This thread is going to be about the mindset of making $100 per day.

If you're making $100 per day and would like to share how you did it, that would be great. The newbies and struggling would appreciate any bit of IM gold that they can get their hands on. And I'm sure that they'll slap your "Thanks" button to show their appreciation.

Why it's important to have a specific goal

Whether your personal goal is $100/day or $500/day or $25/day, they're all equally beneficial. If you are not making a consistent amount of income per day, then I highly recommend that you pick a specific number, any number, and focus on that. Write it out. Stick it on your computer monitor. Stick it on your refrigerator. Stick it on your bathroom mirror. Stick it on your walls. Stick in on the steering wheel of your car. Stick it anywhere you will see it multiple times throughout the day. Get that specific goal, whatever it is, carved into your brain.


The subconscious mind is one of the most powerful tools that you have. It's much more powerful than you can imagine. But like a computer, it needs specific commands. The more specific, the more "energy" it has to make that command a reality.

Most people feel or think the thought: "I want to make money online" or "I want to make more money online." But these thoughts are not specific enough to get the subconscious mind into gear. It needs a more defined command.

Instead, give it the command:

"I make $100 per day online."

You flood your mind with this command. Every day. All day. If you have to, take out a piece of paper each morning, I make yourself write this command on each line. Both sides. Day after day.

It does take discipline. It does get boring at times. It is tedious. That's why most people can't do it for more than a few days.

But what if you could? What would happen?

Eventually this command would be so ingrained in your subconscious mind. And here's where the "magic" happens.

Your subconscious mind will see the inconsistency in your reality. It will have your command burned into it ("I make $100 per day online") but also see that your reality doesn't match the command. So what does it do?

Your subconscious mind starts to provide you with the motivation and ideas necessary to make your reality match your command.

You see, the subconscious mind, although incredibly powerful, is not necessarily intelligent. It doesn't use logic.So when it sees the difference between your command and your reality, it doesn't think, "I hear the command but I understand why the reality is the way it is."

Instead, it sees the difference, and then gets to work trying to make your reality match up with your command.

Very few people ever figure out how to access the power stored in their subconscious. But if you could, you'd be amazed by the wealth of drive and ideas that you would get.

If you want to make $100/day, then your goal then is to convince your subconscious mind that your reality is that you are making $100 a day online.

It doesn't happen instantly. It doesn't even happen quickly. And that's why most people NEVER get to tap into the immense power stored inside of them. You have to put the effort in, day after day, even when you are not seeing or feeling anything differently.

That's the unique quality of successful peopleThey still continue to take the correct actions even when they aren't seeing the results of their efforts. Most people stop prematurely. Most people never work hard and long enough to see the other side of the rainbow. You've just got to have faith. You have to keep pushing on, knowing that as long as you keep taking the rights steps, you will get to the top of the mountain (even if you can't see the top yet).

Don't get me wrong. Learning as much of the "how"s is definitely critical to your success. But if you truly want to speed up the process. If you truly want to get the amazing power of your subconscious mind behind you, pushing you ahead, you've got to convince your subconscious to "believe" the command that you are wanting to be your reality.

The Warrior Forum is packed with the "how"s. Not just in terms of the information shared, but also the experience and knowledge of its members. But I highly recommend you start "training" your subconscious mind. Whatever method works best for you. Do it. Burn that command into your subconscious. Tap into its power.

I make $100 a day online!!!

It's the best advice that I can you. Whether you are a newbie just starting out, or an "old-timer" who has struggled for years.

Do the mental work, and the physical rewards will come.

And when you do tap into the subconscious and finally taste success, please come find me and share your story. I'd love to hear about it. There's no greater joy than hearing about someone who was down, took actions, and raised themselves up out of the ashes of failure, into the mountains of success.

Thank you for listening to my words. I truly hope that you get a little inspiration from them.

Now go out and start making good choices. Make today AWESOME!

Best wishes,


Newbies: Affiliate Marketing Is Simply A Math Problem

I see so many of the "I want to earn $XX amount per day in affiliate marketing". When the reality is that affiliate marketing is nothing more than a math problem.

Now the trick is knowing all the variables. Now you can either find out these variables through experience, or through estimation by what others say their variables are.

So let's say your goal is $50 a day.

How do you get there?

Well, first let's say that the affiliate product you are choosing to promote pays out a $25 commission on each sale. Great, now you have two variables in the equation (ie. your daily goal and your commission payout).

So to make your goal of $50 a day, you have to make 2 affiliate sales. Simple enough so far, right?

Now, through doing some research, you estimate that this specific affiliate salespage has a conversion ratio of 1% (meaning that for every 100 people that visit it, one person will buy the product).

This means that in order to hit your goal of $50 a day, you are going to need 200 people a day to get to your affiliate link/salespage.

How you manage to get 200 people to the affiliate salespage can happen in a variety of ways. But the point is that you have your basic variables.

And by knowing your basic variables of your affiliate marketing equation, you have a better idea of how to proceed.

For instance, you could choose a different affiliate product to promote. Assuming that it had the same conversion ratio but an affiliate commission payout of $50, then you would only need half as much traffic to the affiliate salespage to meet your daily goal.

Or likewise, if you found a different affiliate product that paid out $25 per sale but had a conversion ratio of 4% instead of 1%, then you would only need 50 people a day to get to the affiliate salespage in order to reach your daily goal.

Too many newbies over-think the process of making money online, especially when it comes to affiliate marketing. 

Just knowing the variables will give you a better idea of how to proceed to meet the income goals you have set out for yourself.

Best wishes,


What's YOUR Drive For Making Money Online?

You wake up. You get to your computer. You check your email. You check Facebook. And then you head on down to the Warrior Forum.

I have been living on this forum for years. It was like I was drawn to it, and to the people that live here too. We come from all walks of life. Every nationality and color. All types of personalities and experiences. All of us all brought together to this one spot. This one moment in time.

What's your drive for making money online?

Although I have had fantasies of financial bliss, having wealth beyond imagination, being able to doing anything I wanted, anytime it pleased me, in reality making money was always intertwined with time and freedom.

Money. Time. Freedom.

Do I want mansions? Yachts? Expensive cars? Sure. Maybe. But what I want more than anything is time and freedom. Time to be able to live my life exactly how I want to.

My Dad is 65 years old and still works 10 hour days, 5-6 days a week. He has given his company a large chunk of his life. He's been with them for over 40 years. But is it worth it? I see the lines on his face. I hear the sadness in his voice. He has "provided" and done a fantastic job at it. But has he lived?

I worry with my children. I want them to do well in school. To learn as much as they can. But I want them to think for themselves. I don't want them to be trained to be employees. I want them to be creators. My children see me plugging away at the computer, "working" for a bit and then taking a break and playing. I remember my Dad leaving when it was dark, coming back home when it was dark again. I have no memories of my dad playing. No memories of him sitting on the floor, playing a game or two or three.

What drives you to want to succeed with internet marketing?

I'm not very handy. People seem to think I'm lazy. Not going out an getting a "real job". But all I can do is smile. When my kids are not in school, they are with me. I hustle online because I love taking my kids to school. I don't just pull up to the curb and drop them off like the other parents who are in a rush to their REAL JOBS. I park a little further away. I get out of the car, and walk hand in hand with my son and daughter. Talking in those few precious moments before school. I tell them to make the most of every moment. To have fun. To care about others. To learn something really cool to tell me about later.

I then lean down. Give them both big hugs. Say my "I love you"s. Watch them run off to be with their friends. And I wonder what they say about me when kids ask "what does your Dad do? what's his job?".

When my daughter was born, I knew instantly the job that I wanted. It was to be Daddy. And you'd think it would be an easy job to have. And it is, for the most part. But I do deal with the negative looks from friends and family. Especially my Dad. Who thinks I have wasted my potential. I could have been a doctor or a lawyer. And I did start down that path. But then I saw my newborn baby girl. And I couldn't miss her growing up.

I hustle online so that I can capture all of those beautiful moments. Moments that I would miss if I were at a REAL JOB in a cubicle and suit somewhere.

So my drive for making money online comes from that. Seeing the beauty and miracles of watching my children grow.

What's your motivation?


To Be A Laptop Millionaire

The internet has been responsible for making more millionaires than any other medium in human existence. With just a laptop and internet access, a person has the potential to make a million dollars, anywhere in the world. We live in times where possibilities are all around us.

My laptop is my goldmine. It's my golden goose. I don't have to get up at the crack a dawn to work at some factory doing mind numbing work all day. Don't have to deal with dumb coworkers or short tempered bosses. Long commutes and stuffy suits. No. Those days are gone.

I'm not a millionaire yet, but it's a goal of mine. And the internet is going to make it possible. But I do enjoy the perks of the IM lifestyle. 

My favorite part of the day is waking up and seeing how much money I made while i was sleeping. If you are an active Warrior, you know what I mean. There's this indescribable pleasure I get when I generate income while I am sleeping. It's the second best way to start of the day right. And it gets me motivated for the day.

I love being able to come up with an idea. To create it. Make it real. Make it have value for others. And then to profit from it. What can be better than helping people and getting paid for it? 

Internet marketing allows you to make money from nothing. To make money from helping others. Make money from your past experiences. Make money from your skills and talents. 

If you want to be a millionaire, and you have a laptop and internet access, then you have a chance. It still takes work, but you have much higher chance of making millions using your laptop and brain than you would in buying the Powerball Lottery. 

A good idea + action + luck + internet = million dollars

The equation is so simple, yet so hard to attain. 

But you don't have to be a millionaire to enjoy the benefits. 


A New Twist On DIVERSIFICATION That Will Cut Down Your Work, Lower Risk, and Make More Money

Just wanted to share this way that I diversify my online venture.

Yes, we all know about the between diversification and risk management. You want to work as single-minded as you can, while doing also spread your efforts in varying niches in order to minimize risk.

Too much emphasis on singlemindedness and not enough on diversification and you will end up with the typical "putting all of your eggs in one basket" situation. You may be succeeding now, but something could happen unexpectedly at any moment that could destroy all of your income.

Too little emphasis on singleminded and too much emphasis on diversification may cause you to spread yourself too thin. Getting the benefits of risk reduction b having blogs and websites in multiple niches, but not seeing many results because your efforts for each individual piece of internet real estate is relatively low.

The key is to diversify in a way that will result in both spreading risk and making noticeable progress. This is how I do it:

1. If I am going to start on (or expand in) a new or current monetization method (ie. Adsense, Clickbank, etc) and know that I am going to have a portfolio of blogs/websites, then I created those blogs/website in 3 group amounts that are in similar but distinct sub-niches of the same niche.

So I would create blogs on 3 sub-niches from the same parent niche. So let's say that the niche was "weight loss". I could create a blog on "senior weight loss", another blog on "weight loss after birth" and a third on "college student weight loss." These are all subniches of the bigger mega-niche of "weight loss."

The benefit of choosing 3 sub-niches in the same niche: you get to use overlapping knowledge, experience, and efforts. The information that you learned about weight loss could be used for dozens of subniches. 

So instead of having to do the research for 3 totally different niches, you have now drastically cut down on the time and effort needed for that research.

2. Once those 3 blogs are generating a certain amount of daily visitors, then I will consider creating a new batch of 3 blogs/sites. This new group of 3 will be in a completely different niche from the first group.

The point of doing these 2 steps is to create blogs/websites in shorter amounts of time and with much less effort, while still being able to protect yourself by spreading your risk between multiple blogs/websites.

What are your thoughts on diversification? Do you do your own unique "twist" to the process?

Much Success,


Using The "Decoy Comparison" Strategy To Earn More IM Income

I love watching "educational" television. The Discovery Channel, History Channel, National Geographic Channel, etc, are on a lot in my household. I know that watching too much TV isn't good for a variety of reasons, but if I am going to watch it, I choose to watch programs that teach methings like history, science, and himan psychology. I love to learn, and this is one way that I expand my knowledge.

Anyway, there's a show called "Brain Games" that deals with human perception and psychology. There was one episode that really intrigued me, and I saw how it related to internet marketing. Let me share.

At a movie theater, they gave moviegoers two options for popcorn. They could either get a small serving for $3 or a large serving for $7.

Yes, crazy expensive (and realistic) prices for popcorn, right? 

Which option do you think most people chose?

It was the $3 option. When they interviewed the moviegoers, they found that most people chose to purchase the smaller $3 tub of popcorn because $7 for a large just seemed to expensive.

Simple enough, right?

So then the researchers changed things up a bit. They added a third option. Moviegoers now had three options to choose from: a small for $3, a large for $7, or a medium for $6.50.

What do you think happened?

A majority of the people starting purchasing the $7 large size tub.

Remember, nothing else changed. All they did was add a new option to choose from. But now, instead of comparing the $3 small to the $7 large option, they were comparing the $6.50 middle tub against the large one.

The introduction of the decoy option had moviegoers thinking "for just 50 cents more, I can get a large tub."

I am not revealing anything revolutionary here. Just shining a light on something that you probably already suspected.

Now, here's the key: how do you use this in your internet marketing pricing strategies?

Pricing options can have a significant effect on profits. Using a "decoy" option may get your potential customers to purchase higher priced products and services if you use the decoy for comparison purposes.

If you have a product or service, you could be generating more income without having to do anything extra except offering buyers another option to choose from.

Much Success,
