The Change In Bum Marketing - New Rules, New Opportunities

It has been a few years since my last post. In that time, the landscape of internet marketing looks much different. Where did I disappear to? Ah, to be honest, I left most of my online ventures because I was given the opportunity to be involved in a very lucrative occupation. It was easy and paid well. I still maintained a portfolio of websites and blogs, each generating various amounts of income through Adsense, affiliate marketing, and my own products. I wrote and sold a few ebooks, and occasionally did freelance writing in niches that are easy for me to write about.

Although the job was a good one that many people would love to have, ultimately I became increasing dissatisfied with it. Sometimes it's not just about money. And this job, as easy and as well-paid as it was, still meant that I was exchanging my time for money. If there has been one thing that I have learned about myself, it's that the "time for money" situation rarely makes me happy for very long.

Due to some personal issues, I had to sell off most of my portfolio in order to raise much needed money. 

So in essence, I am back at square one. Well, I guess I am there financially. I still have my passion and experience, and at times, those can be priceless in terms of success.

So I returned back to the Warrior Forum, to seek current ways to create passive income using my laptop and the internet. One thing that I noticed right away was the change in opinion, and many say effectiveness, of article marketing. It seems that Google has made some significant updates to its algorithm (ie. Panda and Penguin), and how they value articles is not nearly as high as it once was.

I did additional research, trying to see if article marketing was totally ineffective, or was its current view the result of an overreaction by IMers. What I found is that while articles may not should up as often or as high in Google's search engine results as they once did (and thereby reducing the number of direct traffic from them), articles were still efficient at creating long-term backlinks (for SEO improvement) and for article syndication (where publishers would use articles on their websites and blogs).

So is bum marketing dead?

Well, yes and no. Bum marketing, as originally defined by Travis Sago, where article marketing was used to generate affiliate sales, is not totally dead, although doing things the way Mr. Sago originally described it won't get you nearly the same kinds of results now.

But I don't define "bum marketing" in such strict manners. To me, bum marketing is simply trying to generate income online without having to invest any money.

So bum marketing isn't dead. By my looser definition, it will NEVER be dead. There will always be a way to make money online, and always a plethora of people interested in doing so.

I am not going to stand here and say that bum marketing is the best or only way to make money online, because it isn't either of those. Obviously it isn't the only way, and having the willingness (and ability) to invest some money can drastically speed up the money-making process, and free up time and effort.

But I definitely can relate to those that still have the desire to try bum marketing, and it is to those individuals that I will continue to write to with this blog.

You can still make money with bum marketing, lots of it even. But the rules to how best to do it successfully have changed. That's not to say that change is a bad thing. Change is a bad thing only to those that refuse to adapt to it, those that choose to stick to doing the same outdated techniques that just won't work as well anymore.

Bum marketing still works, and I will do my best to discover how best to do bum marketing using the current and free methods available today. Right now.

You ready to make some money the bum marketing way? Sweet. Stay tuned, buckle up, and enjoy the right.