Free Keyword Research Tool for Bum Marketing

Two to three times a week I read about someone trying to implement a bum marketing/article marketing business model, but not knowing how to determine the demand of a particular long tail keywords.

And if you write articles, you know how important selecting the right keyword phrase can be.If you have the funds, I would highly recommend A fellow Warrior gave me a show on how quickly Wordtracker can come up with profitable keyword phrases. It was absolutely amazing how much time and effort Wordtracker saves in terms of proper keyword selecting. They do have a free 7 day trial that you can try out. Click Here to learn more...

But if you are like most bum marketers, you just don't have the funds to get it (not yet anyway). So here's a free keyword research that I recommend to my buyers (and it uses Wordtracker to generate its numbers):

Now, if you have never used a keyword research tool, you'll be amazed at how much it will help you. For instance, let's say that you want to promote an affiliate product in the weight loss niche. You go to the keyword tool and search for the demand (number of daily searches) of the term: "weight loss."

Not only will you get the result for "weight loss", but you will also get the top searches that have the words "weight" and "loss" in the phrase.

So in this case above, you discover that "weight loss" gets 5,353 daily searches on Google.

But you also discover the daily amount of searches for:

-quick weight loss: 1,212
-weight loss tips: 1,106
-weight loss pills: 776
-weight loss cream: 703

You get the picture. It will generate terms that you would NEVER have thought of researching.

Try it out for yourself and see.